soirée jaret de porc grillés à la bière

Publié le par lesamisdelafourchette

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Bonjour ... je cherchez Brigitte Bispalie! Si elle est une membre du cette groupe ditte un "Grand Bonjour" a ma amie .... Siobhan (Crosbie) a Bath !!
<br /> <br /> Hello Siobhan,  You found me ! I still live in MOULIS EN MEDOC I also work in my village as the administrative director of the townhall. I'm married since 25 years and have a girl<br /> called Charlotte she is nearly 22 years old and already works in the administration of the air army in Paris. Now i want to visit you of course if you want. Where do you live exactly, give<br /> me your address and telephone number. You can visit me when you want. Kiss your Mum Shiela for me and tell her that I remember very well the good food she made for me<br /> when I was in Bath with you 35 years ago. Kiss all your family for me. Lots of love from Brigitte BISPALIE <br /> <br /> <br />  <br /> <br /> <br />  <br /> <br /> <br />  <br /> <br /> <br />       <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />